플러그소프트 테마 적용본 4

이 샌드박스는 더이상 사용하실 수 없습니다.

후속 샌드박스로 이전해주시기 바랍니다.

샌드박스 3호기

새로운 샌드박스에 초안 페이지를 생성한 뒤, 기존 페이지의 편집창 또는 페이지 소스에서 내용을 복사해 옮겨붙이시면 됩니다.
이전에 어려움이 있다면 포럼이나 대화방에서 운영진에게 문의하세요.

@charset "utf-8";
@import url('https://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/korean-font/GmarketSans.css');
    플러그소프트 CSS 테마
    [2020 Wikidot Theme]
    Edited by thd-glasses.
    Based on SCP Sigma 9 Theme created by Aelanna and Dr Devan.
    Code adopted from Wilsons Theme created by stormbreath.
    Code adopted from Minimal Theme created by stormbreath.
    The Plug Soft Logo was created by lanlanmag & thd-glasses and is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
 :root {
     --header-logo: url(https://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Aplugsoft/ps_logo_90px_space.png) 0px 35px no-repeat;
     --header-sub: var(--subtitle-1, '제𝟎칙 : 규칙은 없다');
     --subtitle-2: "{$subtitle}";
     --header-bg: var(--space);
     --grey: #EEE;
     --green: #C7DED1;
     --blue: #BDF;
     --red: #C55;
     --black: #000;
     --space: #002 url(https://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Aplugsoft/body_bg_space.jpg) center top no-repeat;
     --blank: {$custom};
     --font: var(--space-font, #444);
     --black-font: #FFF;
     --space-font: #EEF;
/* COMMON */
 #content-wrap {
     height: 1500px;
 h1, #page-title {
     font-family: 'GmarketSansLight', Arial, sans-serif;
     color: #444;
 #page-title {
     border-color: #444;
/* links */
 a {
     color: #777;
 #side-bar a:visited {
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 a:visited {
     color: #555;
 a.newpage {
     color: #999;
 body {
     background-color: #FFF;
     color: #000;
/* HEADER */
div#container-wrap {
    background: none;
div#extra-div-1 {
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    width: 100%;
    top: 0;
    position: absolute;
    background: var(--header-bg);
    background-size: 100%;
} /* Light grey */
div#extra-div-2 {
    height: 22px;
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    top: 140px;
    position: absolute;
    background: #444;
} /* Dark grey for top-bar */
 #header {
     background: var(--header-logo);
 #search-top-box-input {
     border: transparent;
     color: #444;
     background-color: #FFF;
 #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus {
     border: solid 0.5px #888;
     color: #444;
     background-color: #FFF;
 #search-top-box-form input[type=submit] {
     border: transparent;
     color: #888;
     background-color: #EEE;
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#search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus {
     border: solid 0.5px #FFF;
     color: #FFF;
     background-color: #FFF;
     background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #BBB,#EEE);
 #login-status {
     color: var(--font);
 #login-status a {
     color: var(--font);
 #login-status ul a {
     color: #444;
 #header h1 a {
     color: transparent;
     font-family: 'GmarketSansMedium', Arial, sans-serif;
     font-size: 150%;
     text-shadow: none;
     letter-spacing: 0.5px;
 #header h1 a::before {
     content: "플러그소프트™";
     color: var(--font);
     text-shadow: none;
 #header h2 span {
     color: transparent;
     font-family: 'GmarketSansLight', Arial, sans-serif;
     text-shadow: none;
     margin-left: 5px;
 #header h2 span::before {
     content: var(--header-sub);
     color: var(--font);
     text-shadow: none;
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     color: #444;
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     background: transparent;
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     border: 1px solid #444;
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     background: none;
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     color: #444;
 #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link .collapsible-block-link:hover {
     color: #444;
/* YUI-TABS */
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     text-decoration: none;
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/* Rating Module */
     box-shadow: none;
 .page-rate-widget-box .rate-points {
     background-color: #EEE !important;
     border: solid 1px #DDD;
     color: #888;
 .page-rate-widget-box .rateup, .page-rate-widget-box .ratedown {
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     color: #888;
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 .page-rate-widget-box .cancel a {
     color: #888;
 .page-rate-widget-box .cancel a:hover {
     background-color: #EEE;
     color: #AAA;
/* Info Rating Module */
 .rate-box-with-credit-button {
     background-color: #EEE !important;
     border: 1px solid #DDD !important;
     border-radius: 5px !important;
     box-shadow: none !important;
 .rate-box-with-credit-button .creditButton p a {
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     border-radius: 0;
 .rate-box-with-credit-button .page-rate-widget-box .rate-points {
     border-left: 0;
/* Heritage Collection Rating Module */
 .heritage-rating-module {
     background-color: #EEE;
     box-shadow: none;
/* Mobile Media Query */
 @media (max-width: 479px) {
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         background-position: 0 4.5em;
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         font-size: 120%;
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         margin-left: 66px;
/* Small Mobile Media Query */
 @media (max-width: 385px) {
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         background-position: 5% 5.5em;
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         margin-left: -webkit-calc(66px + 5%);
         margin-left: -moz-calc(66px + 5%);
         margin-left: calc(66px + 5%);
/* Note Media Query */
 @media (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 580px) {
     #header {
         background-position: 0.5em 4.5em;
         background-size: 66px 66px;
     #header h1 a {
         font-size: 120%;
     #header h1, #header h2 {
         margin-left: 80px;
/* Mini Tablet Media Query */
 @media (min-width: 581px) and (max-width: 767px) {
     #header {
         background-position: 0.5em 3.5em;
         background-size: 77px 77px;
     #header h1 a {
         font-size: 140%;
     #header h1, #header h2 {
         margin-left: 93px;
/* Tablet Media Query */
 @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {
     #header {
         background-size: 88px 88px;
     #header h1, #header h2 {
         margin-left: 106px;

[[include :scpko:theme:plugsoft

이 샌드박스는 더이상 사용하실 수 없습니다.

후속 샌드박스로 이전해주시기 바랍니다.

샌드박스 3호기

새로운 샌드박스에 초안 페이지를 생성한 뒤, 기존 페이지의 편집창 또는 페이지 소스에서 내용을 복사해 옮겨붙이시면 됩니다.
이전에 어려움이 있다면 포럼이나 대화방에서 운영진에게 문의하세요.